Creating a New Translation

Initial steps

Before starting:

Step 1: Create a new file

Duplicate the file used by the original version, with the language shortcode added to the middle of the filename, as follows:

Step 2: Update “front matter” metadata

At the top of WAI website files are some metadata, also known as “front matter”.

Your first step into the file is to update this section.

General instructions for front matter

2.1. Update the following front matter values:



path (below github)


footer (not always present)

2.2. Add translators & contributors names.

After last_updated, add these lines, depending on how many translators there are and if there are contributors.

Policy for names and links is introduced in Translating WAI Resources.

Or, if the lines are there with “#” before them to comment them out: delete the # and the space.

Updated Example

Follow additional inline instructions

Many resources have inline instructions in the front matter (after the “#” character).

Please follow these instructions. It will help you know what to translate/update and what to not change.

Step 3: Translate main content

Follow Translation guidance to translate the main content of the page.

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